Learn when and how to use our county branding on documents, forms and other materials.
Invicta Sunrise

Symbolising the sun rising in the east, our Invicta Sunrise logo can be used for documents, forms, and materials produced at county level.
Using Invicta Sunrise
- Never use without a Girlguiding Kent East county logo.
- Our logo should not be used at division, district or unit level.
- Ensure the aspect ratio is maintained – do not squash or stretch the logo.
- Never rotate or mirror the logo.
- Do not incorporate into a design feature or modify the logo.
- Do not cover any part of the logo.
- Never place a Trefoil between the legs or within the logo.
- Do not change the colours of the logo.
- Always use Poppins.
- There is no specific background colour requirement. The logo must be clearly visible with a suitable high-contrast background.

Image only. You may place a title below. Logo can be used at larger sizes.

Guides of Kent – Kent East Guide Association text. For smaller size usage. To be placed in header, footer, or corner of page. Text may be black or white depending on background.
Clothing and merchandise
Please contact Marketing and Communication if you are seeking to use Invicta Sunrise on clothing or merchandise. Only county level use will be permitted.
Girlguiding branding

Girlguiding brand usage
Please observe the official Girlguiding branding guidelines when using any Girlguiding branding.
Girlguiding branding guidelines- We are “Girlguiding Kent East county“: Never write “county” with a capital letter.
- For consistency, please keep “Kent East county” to 1 line for Girlguiding logos.
- Always include “county” for our Girlguiding and section logos.
- The word “county” can be omitted for badges. On badges our level name can appear as “Girlguiding Kent East”.
- Use county branding only for documents, forms and materials produced for county level.
- You can refer to us as “Girlguiding Kent East” or “Kent East” when writing or talking informally, providing clear context has been given.

Square or large Girlguiding Kent East county logo. Always include the Kent East county text.

Wide logo Girlguiding Kent East county logo. Always include the Kent East county text.
County badges
Badges must comply with branding usage guidelines.
Branding guidelines- Where a trefoil is included, it must be between 7mm and 10mm in size.
- For section specific badges, the connector trefoil should be used on the section background colour.
- Badges for all sections should use a white trefoil on Girlguiding dark blue, or a dark blue trefoil on a white background.
- The trefoil can be placed in a circle (or other shape) of the required background colour.
- Include our level name ‘Girlguiding Kent East’. You do not need to include the word ‘county’ but, if you do, ensure it is written with a lowercase ‘c’.

Which level?
It is important to use the correct logo and branding, as it shows where content and information has originated from and who is responsible for it.
Consider these examples to help you understand when to use county, division or unit level branding. Invicta Sunrise and Girlguiding Kent East county branding may only be used at county level.
Intended usage | Level |
Making a post for my division Facebook page. | Division. |
Designing something for 2 or more units in my division. | Division, district or unit. |
Creating a letter for my unit. | Unit. |
Designing a poster for my division event. | Division. |
Creating a form or letter for my county role. | County. |
Producing a challenge pack for my unit challenge badge. | Unit. |
Creating an order form, price list or letter for my depot or shop. | Depot/shop or division. |
Producing a county newsletter. | County. |
Writing a letter from my unit with information about a county event. | Unit. |
Sharing a letter from county, with my unit, that contains information about a county event. | County. (Sharing the letter unchanged.) |
It should always be clear who is publishing the information. Avoiding adding multiple levels to documents, online posts or posters.